Cost-Effective Versatility of Metals

Metals have wide range of practical applications. These materials are widely used as the support frameworks for buildings. Metals are used as the main materials for industrial machineries. They are also used as the materials for many consumer products such as cars, motorcycles, electric generators, and refrigerators. They are essential in power generation and transmissions. They are functional parts of electrical and electronic devices.

The conductivity, malleability and durability of metals make them highly versatile. They can be fashioned into medical equipment or into weapons. They are the components of industries and the support of infrastructures. Some metals are very precious that they are used as currencies and as standard measures of wealth such as in the case of gold. However, despite of the toughness and usefulness of metals, they are very cost-effective as materials for industrial purposes. Collectively, these materials are affordable and abundant enough to be widely used.

There are alternative materials such as fiberglass or carbon composite materials but these are still more expensive and hard to produce. Although metals need to be mined and processed, these processes are simple enough to be done on a massive scale. The basic metallurgical techniques have been perfected in the course of thousands of years since the Bronze Age. The cost-effectiveness of many industrial metals such as steel is not only attributed to their abundance or easy extractions. Their cost-effectiveness is also because of their reusability and durability. Metals can be recycled or reused. They can be re-melted, reshaped, and constructed into other forms or configurations.

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